Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happiness is...

...having your toddler shush you during "Twinkle Twinkle" because you've taught him all the words and he wants to sing it alone.

A lot of times, my blog is about all the negatives that we face...the lost contacts or the rude comments. That's only because those are the things that move me and compel me to come running to the blog. Truth be told, those days are few and far between. We are LUCKY.

This past weekend, I was able to participate in completing a garden for the angel baby of a friend from college. There's something very humbling about being out in the early morning, surrounded by the strength and love of other people and the wonders of God's earth on a beautiful day when the sun wasn't supposed to shine.

Since the ultimate purpose of this blog is to provide a resource for parents of children born with cataracts, please know that a year and a half later, we are feeling LUCKY. The worst part of our day was that Jack didn't take a very good nap and was a whiny mess by the end of the night. Sure, his glasses were foggy from all of his whining, but on than that, being a child with cataracts did not make his day any different from other typical almost 2 year olds. So yes, visit my early posts for a preview of what's to come. The beginning is scary.

But at the end of the day, we are thankful for this, glasses or not!


  1. Beautiful post! Thank you.
    (Hazel puts her hand over my mouth when I try to sing to her now, but I think it's because I'm not a very good singer).

  2. AMEN and AMEN!! I feel exactly the same way!

  3. He is beautiful! I am glad that the bad days are being taken over with good days!

    Austin doesn't like me to sing to him. He wants his daddy to sing. I think it is because I am tone deaf. :)

  4. Such a good post! I hope that I can write one that is similar in a few months. Right now we are still in the middle of the "scary" part, but reading your blog and the blogs of others is encouraging!

    And my 2 year old tells me to stop singing too. Independent little boogers aren't they?

  5. It does get easier doesn't it? Sometimes I wish I could sit down as the older wiser me and have a little motherly lecture with my self in the first months of Elsa's life..."Relax! Enjoy! Don't waste a moment on worry. What is gonna be is gonna be and this little peep is gonna run circles around you before you know it!" Now there are days that I don't think twice about her vision.

  6. Your Sone Is Soo Handsome! Evey Blog/Picture You Post Give e More nd More Hope/Reassurance! My Son Is Just Barley 4 Months Old, His Cataracts Were Removed At 4 Weeks, And He's Been Wearing Contact Since... We Just Ordered His Glasses, I Will Be So Happy To Be Done With The Contacts At Least For Now!
