Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What a difference a day makes...

On September 6, 2010.../
On September 7, 2010

...life with an infant was starting to settle down./
...I found out my 10 week old had cataracts.

...I bought baby sunglasses because I thought they were cute./
...I had to order prescription glasses for my baby.

...We thought it was so cute that Jack always wanted to look at the lights./
...We learned that was because lights were all he could see.

...We were packing for Florida./
...We unpacked the Florida bag, and repacked for two overnight hospital stays.

...We had yet to venture into DC with our new baby./
...Our first trip to DC with him was to visit Children's Hospital.

...Someone sneezing in the same room as Jack had me running for the door./
...I don't think I noticed another human being.

...Jack wore his Virginia Tech gear as we all prepared to head to Fed Ex Field./
...Jack wore his Virginia Tech gear on his way home from the hospital after his second surgery.

...I couldn't watch anyone put contacts in./
...I became the person putting contacts in Jack's eyes on a daily basis.

...I had freakishly small hands./
...I had perfectly sized hands for inserting contacts into an infant.

...Jaundice was the worst thing in the world./
...Cataracts made jaundice look like a cold.

...Aphakic sounded like something you said when someone sneezed./
...Aphakic described my son's condition.

...I had never seen a baby wearing glasses./
...I was fending off questions and stares about my baby's glasses.

...I didn't really have a reason to write a blog./
...I was able to share Jack's story with others facing the same thing.

...I didn't know anyone who's child had cataracts, or even eye issues./
...I have made lots of friends, either cyber or "real life," that I never would have met before.

...I'd never heard of the Children's Eye Foundation./
...Jack is a Little Ambassador and I'm so proud to be a part of their mission.

Life changed.  Not for the better, not for the worse.  What we saw as normal just became defined a little differently.  At the end of the day, Jack is an extremely healthy and happy baby.  We wouldn't change a thing about him and if this is the path we were meant to take, so be it. 

So, while I approached this anniversary with a lot of sadness and a heavy heart, writing this has made me realize that our lives have been opened to a world that we never knew about.  I remember writing early on in the "Journey" that although we knew it could be much worse, we weren't ready to accept that. 

I think we are ready to accept that while the hand we were dealt was a difficult one, God wouldn't give us what we couldn't handle.  On to another year of health and happiness!


  1. What a great post! Made me think back to the night we found Nicole's cataract. I remember telling the doctor at the Children's Hospital here that we had plans to go to the mall that day...not the emergency room. So many tears. And now almost a year later so many giggles. Life is good. Glad things are well for you too!

  2. He is beautiful... and so is this post. Beautifully written. Life changes so drastically. A year ago, I wouldn't have imagined that I could think that putting a contact in my baby's eye is a normal part of life. If you would like to continue to follow my blog, just shoot me an email and I will send you an invite. It is set to private now.

  3. What a difference a day makes... what a difference a year makes! When your in the middle of the mess you just have to keep walking through it. But now the storm is over and life goes on. Love the photo collage at the beginning of the blog!!! Great post, thanks for the perspective.

  4. What a beautiful post! And what a year you've had! Here's to many more years of health and happiness!

  5. I just found your blog. My son Chris was born in July of 2010 with congenital cataracts as well and it has been an eventful year for our family. I would love to have someone to chat with about our experiences. My name is Marsha and my e-mail is m_dela@hotmail.com. Feel free to contact me if you wish.

  6. Love your new pictures in the header. Too sweet!!!!

  7. yay! I just found your blog! My baby Elsa was born in June 2010 with bilateral cataracts. Can't wait to read all your other posts. Looking back over that first year is incredible isn't it???

  8. Hi! Beautifully put. I read through your blog and it felt like you wrote what we've gone through. My son Adam was diagnosed 4 weeks ago with bilateral cataracts.he's just over 5 months old. He's just had one eye done and the other planned for next week. I just hope he hasn't lost sight in the left eye.... Thanks for the blog. Until I stumbled upon it, I felt so alone in this...
